Hello Ghouls and Mansters ^__^
Today I decided to make a photo review of the dual pack of Manny Taur and Iris Clops.
My sister and I are super glad we decided to get this year's Comic-Con Monster High exclusive,
it really looks amazing and sooo huge in person!
Unfortunately a lot of people won't have the chance of
even seeing them in real life to appreciate their awesomeness :'(
But what I can do, at least, is share some detailed photos of the box,
the dolls and I'll even scan their diaries for you guys to read.
So, without further ado, here's pictures of the boxes (yes there's 2 actually).
Close-up of the outer box.
The outer box is designed so it looks like Manny's school backpack.
I like that he carries a picture of his sweetie, Iris.
There's a red labyrinth patch in the centre of the bag.
One remark, the doll's backpack is actually grey with a labyrinthine print/texture.
Front side of the outer box.
The back of the outer box.
Notice the backpack straps and the buffalo "skullette" on the bottom left.
Top of the outer box. We can spy Manny's textbooks ^^
The sides. I like the sunglasses and the skullette zipper a lot!
So now that we're done with the first box let's take a look at the second one.
The inside box is the one that contains the dolls and it's designed to resemble Manny's letterman jacket.
Close-up. The love-note is from Iris and you can actually pull it out.
Frontal of the box. I have to say, the design makes the jacket look super realistic!
This is what the box looks like when the jacket is opened.
Notice the diaries "tucked in" at the sides.
I'll be scanning them soon so, as Iris would say, keep an eye for that ;-P
The back of the box. Apparently The Nightmares are MH's "casketball" team.
Left side of the box, or should I say left sleeve? There's a patch of Manny's skullette, a bull, and a casketball logo.
Right sleeve.
Speaking of which, here's the jacket in question (for the doll I mean):
There's actually a story behind SDCC Manny's jacket.
For some reason the factory that packed the dolls forgot to include it in the box so
they decided they would sell them separately.
What happened is there weren't enough jackets for all the packs so a lot of collectors missed
on getting them and now they go from $30 to $40 on eBay.
So, how did we get it?
Well, it was a super pleasant surprise actually because my sister and I agreed we would pass
on the jacket and make one ourselves, we had no clue our super cool and kind seller had
included it too *__*
I guess we got lucky there hehehe ^__^
So I'll end this post with one last picture of Manny and Iris in the box
Do you notice something funny about our Iris, I think her right ring finger is not supposed to look like that xD
I plan on sharing more photos of this pack in my next post and, as I mentioned before, the diaries too...
Until next time then!
Love <3